Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2 has finally launched with 17 contestants. It’s going to be an exciting season altogether. Episode opens up with a song and housemates dances off in style. Rajini Chandy, Thesni Khan, Manju Pathrose is seen talking about body fitness and the importance of workout. Public speaker Rajith Kumar leads the speech as he is an expert in multiple subjects.
TikTok star Fukru also tries to join the discussion and puts his own thoughts. Later the store gets open and housemates are assigned to pick items for cooking. All the Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2 contestants are seen, helping each other in making food. While chopping vegetable actress Veena Nair gets injured on the finger and housemates rush in to help her.
Bigg Boss calls Alina Padikkal to the confession room as the alarm strikes. She is the first person to go to the confession room in Season 2. Alina picks up a letter from Bigg Boss which is a notice for the housemates. Its time for the selection of Captain of the House and becoming the first captain of the season is very special. Alasandra Johnson aka Alexandra Johnson enjoys a great time in the swimming pool. The air hostess turned model is also a swimming expert and took the challenge from the housemates.
Every Contestant can suggest a name to select the captain with valid reason. Captain will be authorised to provide duties to the housemates by dividing into four groups. Oru Muthasshi Gadha actress Rajini Chandy is selected as the first captain of Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2.
One group is assigned Bathroom cleaning,2 groups will manage kitchen jobs, 1 group will take care of house cleaning. Captain of Bigg Boss has the full authority to shuffle and set people in different groups. Fukru aka Krishnajeev shares his experience about love and his old days. Everyone assembles around him and listens to the story.
Stay Tuned for Daily updates of Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2 on with inside stories.
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