Karikku has been termed as the fastest growing digital channel in Kerala by Youtube. They have a fan base of around 2.5 Million Youtube subscribers and that brings them in the headlines regularly. Recently a new video from Karikku “Bhaskaran Pillai Technologies” also went well with close to 4 Millon views in just a few days.
The girl in this new video has impressed one and all and is trending all over social media. The girl is none other the model and actress Ameya Mathew, who has been part of a couple of movies too in small roles. The tattoo girl in the Karikku video has caught the attention of one and all and has cruised swiftly to more than 50K followers in no time.
Ameya Mathew was seen in a funny small role in Jayasurya’s ‘Aadu 2’ along with Aju Varghese in the climax portion. She came on Instagram live to share the joy of acceptance by the audience. She said “I have been part of movies and also am a model. 20 minutes of Karikku has garnered me more support that the movie industry could till now”.
She has been regular with photoshoots and various events which have acting to join along as a passion. Her Tiktok videos are also getting viral after her sudden fame with thee Karikku video. Ameya Mathew has also been part of various advertisements along with her movies. Staggering photoshoots of the charming model, Ameya Mathew will surely make you go wow.
Ameya is in a merry mood as the fame came in unexpectedly and was very interactive during her Instagram live. Hopefully, we can see her in movies soon and in any upcoming Karikku video too. Wishing Ameya Mathew all the very best in her fashion, movie and all the future endeavours and hope to see her taking a grander leap into success.