Thirike is a Malayalam movie from Neestream. The release date is 26 February 2021. It is available Neestream website and official app to watch online. The movie belongs to the drama genre.
Thirike Movie Story
The plot is about the two cousins and their bond. One of them is a special child and has been treated so. Everyone wants to break their bond and take him abroad. Things take a new turn as they decide to stand together and face the challenges.
Thirike movie cast has Namita Krishnamurthy, Gopi Krishnan etc. The Neestream brings in the most awaited Malayalam movie.
Check out below for Thirike Neestream Movie (2021): Cast, Release date, Full HD episodes, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Online.
Thirike Cast (Neestream)
Namita Krishnamurthy Gopi Krishnan George Kora
- George Kora
- Namita Krishnamurthy
- Gopi Krishnan
Thirike Neestream Release Date
26 February 2021