Midumidukki is a Malayalam talent show from Flowers TV. The show is set in the backdrop of talented girls. Young girls with supreme talents are the major highlights. It is also known as Midu Midukki.
With huge reality hit shows, the channel is back with a new attempt. Earlier the channel had hosted few other hit reality shows. Now, the popularity of talent shows is widely increasing across India.
Let’s Check Out the Midumidukki Start Date, Host, Contestants, Schedule, Wiki etc. So here are some details about the new reality game show. The telecast time is Saturday and Sunday at 6 PM. Alina Padikkal is the host of the show
Midumidukki start date is 6 March 2021. It will be available on Flowers TV website and the official YouTube channel to watch online. The show belongs to the talent show genre.
Midumidukki Judges
- Manju Pillai
- Guinness Pakru
Midumidukki Show Host
Midumidukki Show Contestants
Yet to be announced
Check out below for Midumidukki Flowers TV Show 2020: Contestants, Release date, Judges, Watch Online, All Episodes.
Midumidukki Telecast Time
Saturday and Sunday at 6 PM.