The much-anticipated Malayalam movie, “Bhagavan Dasante RamaRajyam,” has recently unveiled its first look poster. The makers of the film have shared this exciting glimpse, building anticipation among the audience.
The cast of “Bhagavan Dasante Rama Rajyam” features talented actors like Akshay Radhakrishnan, Nandana Rajan, and Manikandan Pattambi in prominent roles. With their remarkable performances, they are set to captivate the viewers.
Directed by Rasheed Parambil, the film promises to be a compelling cinematic experience. Fans and movie enthusiasts can mark their calendars, as “Bhagavan Dasante Rama Rajyam” is scheduled to hit the screens on 21 July 2023.
Stay tuned to our platform for the latest updates and news about this highly anticipated Malayalam movie, “Bhagavan Dasante RamaRajyam.” We’ll keep you informed about all the exciting developments surrounding the film.