MX Player is back with another crime thriller web series. The series marks the reunion of Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover on screen together. It revolves around the life of a businessman whose wife gets kidnapped. The ex-lover of the businessman joins as the investigator of the case.
There are deadly secrets in every character. The officer is set on the hunt to trace the criminal and the one who gave him the contract. The deadly side of each person gets opened up as the investigation gets tighter.
Dangerous web series cast has Sonali Raut, Karan Singh Grover, Natasha Suri, Bipasha Basu, Suyyash Rai etc. This is one of the biggest release ever done by MX Player for the Indian contents.
This series clashes with multiple other web series and movies releasing on different OTT platforms. We will have to wait and see which will be the hit series. Watch Dangerous web series online exclusively on 14 August 2020 streaming on MX Player.