Actress Disha Choudhary who was the major accused in a financial fraud scheme that shook Bengaluru. She was arrested today after her bail was cancelled by the court. Disha Choudhary, Sachin Naik and another partner were arrested for 1.5 billion fraud involving dubious property companies. Few of those company names are Dreamz Infra India Private Limited, TGS Construction Private Limited and TGS Construction Private Limited and Gruha Kalyan Private Limited.
Disha Choudhary acted in a 2014 Bollywood film ‘Anuradha’ but turned to be a flop. The companies had announced 48 real estate projects in different parts of the city, literally failed in delivering after accepting payments. Cases amounting to 82 are being charged against them for cheating almost 3,700 investors. Criminal Investigation Department (CID) was in the investigation of these cases.
The senior official announced that they were bailed out earlier after promising to cooperate in the investigation. But she kept changing her home address and did not appear before the court. Since the court cancelled the bail, she was absconding. The Anuradha movie actress is now sent to police custody till Monday.
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