The makers of the upcoming Malayalam movie Made in Caravan have released the official trailer of the film, giving audiences a sneak peek into what promises to be an entertaining experience. Starring Annu Antony, Anson Paul, and Indrans in the lead, Made in Caravan is set to release on 14 April 2023.
Directed by Jomy Kuriakose, Made in Caravan is a highly anticipated film that is expected to captivate audiences with its intriguing storyline and talented cast. The official trailer gives us a glimpse of what’s in store, with stunning visuals and a captivating score that will leave viewers wanting more.
Check out the trailer below
If you’re a fan of Malayalam cinema, then Made in Caravan is a must-watch movie that should be on your radar. Keep following us for the latest updates on this upcoming film, and get ready to experience the thrill of Made in Caravan when it hits theaters on 14 April 2023.