Titanic is an upcoming Tamil movie. The movie release date is June 2021. Currently, the movie is in the production stage. The movie is directed by M Janakiraman. It belongs to the romance-drama genre.
Titanic Movie Story
The plot revolves around the lives of two youngsters. They are in love but are unstable in the relationship. They are tired of finding solutions to problems in love. Things take a new turn when they meet a new man. Can they get back their love?
Titanic Movie cast has Kalaiyarasan, Kayal Anandhi etc. The movie has leading South Indian movie stars.
Check out below for Titanic Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Titanic Movie Cast
- Kayal Anandhi
- Kalaiyarasan
- Ashna Zaveri
- Kaali Venkat
- Ragav Vijay
- Devadarshini
- Madhumita
- Chetan
Titanic Movie Release Date
June 2021