Exciting news for Kannada movie fans as the makers of the upcoming film, Tagarupalya, have released the first look poster. The movie features Nagabhushana NS and Amrutha Prem in the lead roles, and the poster has left fans eagerly waiting for more.
Directed by Umesh K Krupa, the movie is expected to be a blockbuster, with the cast and storyline already creating a lot of buzz. The movie is set to release on 24 April 2023, and fans can’t wait to see the chemistry between the lead actors on the big screen.
Tagarupalya promises to be an edge-of-the-seat thriller, and the first look poster only adds to the excitement surrounding the film. The poster showcases the lead actors in a dramatic and intense pose, giving fans a glimpse into what they can expect from the movie.
As we eagerly await the release of the movie, keep following us for the latest updates, including teasers, trailers, and more. Tagarupalya is a must-watch for all Kannada movie lovers, and with the latest updates and news surrounding the film, it’s no surprise that the hype for the movie is only getting stronger.