The much-awaited Telugu comedy drama, “Rangabali,” now has an official release date. Get ready to immerse yourself in laughter and entertainment as this film hits the theaters on 7th July 2023.
Boasting a talented cast that includes Naga Shaurya, Yukti Thareja, and Satya in lead roles, Rangabali is set to deliver a hilarious and engaging cinematic experience. Directed by the skilled Pawan Basamsetti, this movie is expected to be one of the standout hits among the 2023 Telugu releases.
Produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri, Rangabali has been eagerly anticipated by fans, who are excited to witness the on-screen magic created by this talented team. From its intriguing storyline to the impeccable comedic timing of the actors, the movie is poised to provide an unforgettable entertainment experience.