Randhara Nagara is an upcoming Malayalam movie of the crime thriller genre. It is produced by Phoenix inc and Showcase International. The movie is expected to release by mid of 2021. Currently, the movie is in the pre-production stage. The movie is directed by M Abdul Wadud.
Randhara Nagara Movie Story
The plot revolves around a crime-filled locality. Things take a different turn when criminal activities keep rising. A group of people decides to bring in a change. Can they do it or face the deadly consequences.
Randhara Nagara cast has Shiyas Kareem in the lead. The film will have the top stars of the Mollywood film industry together. It has the tagline “The city of Holes”.
Check out below for Randhara Nagara Movie (2021): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, Release Date.
Randhara Nagara Cast
- Appani Sharath
- Ajay Mathews
- Shiyas Kareem
- Vishnu Sankar
- Renu Soundar
- Saranya
Randhara Nagara Movie Release Date
Randhara Nagara Teaser
Yet to be released