Get ready for the official Hindi remake of the Tamil blockbuster Soorarai Pottru with Akshay Kumar, Radhika Madan, and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles. Directed by Sudha Kongara, the biopic genre film titled Production No.27 is produced by Aruna Bhatia, Jyotika, Suriya, and Vikram Malhotra.
This much-awaited movie is expected to be one of the top hits of 2023 Bollywood films. Production No.27 promises to provide a unique experience to the viewers with its powerful storyline and exceptional acting performances.
The release date of Production No.27 movie has been announced and fans are eagerly waiting for the film to hit the theatres. The movie is set to release on September 1, 2023. Stay tuned for more updates on the film’s title and other details.