The Pooja Ceremony of Friday Film House’s Production No 20 movie was held on 6 March 2023. The movie features the talented actor Vijay Babu in the lead role. Directed by Sajid Yahiya, the film is expected to release on 28 December 2023.
The Pooja Ceremony was attended by the cast and crew of the movie, and it marks the beginning of the movie’s production. Further details regarding the plot, other cast members, and crew will be released soon.
Friday Film House is known for producing quality movies, and Production No 20 movie is no exception. With Vijay Babu in the lead and Sajid Yahiya directing, we can expect a captivating and entertaining movie.
We will keep you posted with the latest updates on Production No 20 movie, so stay tuned for more information.
In conclusion, the Pooja Ceremony of Friday Film House’s Production No 20 movie featuring Vijay Babu in the lead role was held on 6 March 2023. With an anticipated release date of 28 December 2023 and a talented cast and crew, this movie is set to be a must-watch for all movie enthusiasts.