Pichaikkaran 2 is an upcoming Tamil movie that promises to provide a thrilling experience to its viewers. Directed by Vijay Antony, the movie features an impressive star cast including Vijay Antony, Kavya Thapar, Dato Radha Ravi, and more. The movie is set to release on 19 May 2023, and fans are eagerly waiting for its release.
The movie belongs to the drama thriller genre, and with skilled direction and an impressive star cast, Pichaikkaran 2 is expected to be one of the top hits of 2023 Tamil movies. The movie is produced by Fatima Vijay Antony.
Get ready to experience a gripping and exciting story with Pichaikkaran 2. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the movie, including its release date, cast, and more. Don’t miss out on this highly anticipated Tamil movie that promises to be a must-watch for all fans of the drama thriller genre.