Paapa is an upcoming Odisha movie of the thriller genre. It is produced by Tarang Cine Productions. The movie release date will be at the end of 2020. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Ashok Pati.
Paapa Movie Story
The plot revolves around the life of a girl. She had to face lots of challenges and one incident ruined her life. Now she has to fight back and give back to those who hurt her. Can she succeed in her mission?
Paapa cast has Ray Elina Samantaray in the lead. The film will have the popular faces of the Odia film industry together.
Check out below for Paapa Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, Release Date.
Paapa Cast
- Ray Elina Samantaray
Paapa Movie Release Date
Paapa Teaser
Yet to be released