Bigg Boss 13 has finally ended with Siddharth Shukla as the winner. Paras Chhabra who has impressed the fans and finished in the Top 6 of the show has joined the new show Mujhse Shaadi Karoge?. Bigg Boss 13 stars Paras Chhabra and Shehnaaz Gill is on a hunt to find the grooms and brides on National Television. In the recent promo, Bigg Boss 2 Marathi contestant Heena Panchal was seen interested in Paras and joined the show.
The introduction promo of Paras Chhabra dancing to a song which was from Student of the Year. He is wearing an amazing Sherwani. Mujhse Shaadi Karoge host is Maniesh Paul and he introduced Sanjjanaa Galrani. Paras Chhabra called Heena Panchal ‘hot and sexy’. He also complimented that, she would have huge fans and guys lined up behind her.
Heena Panchal accepts that boys are lined up for her, but being Heena Panchal she makes sure to do everything differently. Heena also asks Paras about his tattoo of Akanksha Puri, his ex-girlfriend’s name on his hand. Paras gives a funny answer that Tattoos are not such a big deal. A line will cross out her name and ‘Who is next will be added’.
Paras dances with Sanjjanaa on a paper for a Bollywood romantic song. Sanjjanaa Galrani Kissed Paras on his cheek and he appreciated her confidence.