Mrs Undercover is an upcoming Hindi movie that promises to provide a thrilling experience to the audience. The makers of the film recently released the official trailer, giving a glimpse into the world of the movie. Directed by Anushree Mehta, the movie features a talented cast of actors, including Radhika Apte, Sumeet Vyas, and Rajesh Sharma in lead roles.
The trailer of Mrs Undercover showcases some intense moments, with Radhika Apte playing the role of a RAW agent who goes undercover to solve a case. Sumeet Vyas plays the character of her husband, while Rajesh Sharma plays an important role in the movie.
Mrs Undercover is set to release on 14 April 2023 and will be streaming on ZEE5. The movie promises to be a must-watch for fans of Hindi cinema who are looking for an exciting ride filled with suspense and action.
Radhika Apte, who is known for her versatile roles, seems to have nailed her character in Mrs Undercover, and her chemistry with Sumeet Vyas looks promising. The movie is expected to be one of the biggest releases of the year, and fans can’t wait to see what it has in store.
Check out the trailer below:
Stay tuned for more updates on Mrs Undercover, and make sure to catch the movie when it releases on ZEE5. Get ready for an action-packed ride with Mrs Undercover!