Mea Culpa is an upcoming Malayalam movie of the thriller genre. It is produced by Shareef Moozhiyedathu. The movie release date will be during mid-2021. Currently, the movie is in the pre-production stage. The movie is written and directed by Nawaz Ali.
Mea Culpa Movie Story
The plot revolves around the life of a girl who is trapped. The dangerous man tries to attack her with mysterious reasons. Things take a shocking turn as it has revenge hidden within.
Mea Culpa cast has Appani Sarath Kumar, Teena Sunil in the lead. The film will have the popular faces of the Malayalam film industry together.
Check out below for Mea Culpa Movie (2021): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, Release Date.
Mea Culpa Cast
- Appani Sarath Kumar
- Teena Sunil
- Sohan Seenulal
- Gayathri Nambiar
- Ambika Mohan
- Shalini Dinesh
Mea Culpa Movie Release Date
Mea Culpa Teaser
Yet to be released