Little Woman is a South Korean series directed by Kim Hee-won. It is well known that the famous novel Little Woman has been the subject of much discussion and that movies have been released based on it. One might wonder if the Korean series of the same name tells the same story. Like the novel, the story of four sisters is told here. But the series deals with different crises from the novel. This is an epic series that keeps you on edge of excitement at every moment without pause.
This is the story of the survival of three sisters. The story, which is entirely through women, succeeds in keeping the suspense till the end. The story brings forward the problems faced by the sisters who go forward through three perspectives in their lives full of poverty. There is no accounting for how much each problem they face stresses them out and creates conflicts. Still, the last straw is their hope in life. The thriller series is so exciting and full of mystery that it cannot be summed up as the best and has already caught the attention of the audience. You can watch this series on Netflix.