Kanni Theevu is a Tamil game show. This show will have popular stars and public contestants. It is also known as Ullasa Ulagam 2.0 show.
Since the promo release, fans are eagerly awaiting the launch. Let’s Check Out the show Start Date, Host, Schedule, Rules, Wiki.
Kanni Theevu start date is 1 August 2021. It will be available on Colors Tamil channel and the Voot app to watch online. The show belongs to the game genre.
Check out below for Kanni Theevu (Colors Tamil) 2021: Contestants, Start date, Time.
Kanni Theevu Host
- Robo Shankar
Kanni Theevu Start Date
1 August 2021
Kanni Theevu Telecast Time
Sunday at 7 PM