The makers of Kanguva, an upcoming Tamil movie, have shared the title poster of the film on their official Instagram handle. Directed by Siva, the movie stars Suriya and Disha Patani in the lead roles. The film is expected to hit the screens on 29 December 2023.
The title poster of Kanguva features an intriguing design that hints at the movie’s plot and characters. Fans of Suriya and Disha Patani have been eagerly waiting for the movie’s release, and the title poster has only added to their excitement.
Directed by Siva, Kanguva is one of the most anticipated Tamil movies of 2023. The film promises to be a thrilling ride for the audience with its engaging storyline, talented cast, and top-notch direction.
Stay tuned to our website for the latest updates on Kanguva and other upcoming Tamil movies.