IPC 376 is an upcoming Indian mystery thriller movie. The Tamil language movie is written and directed by Ramkumar Subbaram. The movie will release on 24 December 2020. It will release through any online platform where you can watch online and HD download. The movie belongs to the thriller genre.
IPC 376 Movie Story
The plot revolves around the investigative journey of a female police officer. She takes up a case filled with mysterious events which happened which connects to the murder case. Her daring attempt to track the culprit forms the crux of the story. Meanwhile, the culprit has a connection with her life and is in danger. Can she save herself and also catch the culprit at the same time?
IPC 376 movie cast includes Nandita Sweta in the lead. The major stars have given their best performances and look brilliant on screen. The makers have had announced that the movie will be a treat to watch.
Major stars across India are part of IPC 376 Tamil movie. The cast was selected through stringent audition proceedings and the screen test. The other actors were selected based on the track record of past acting projects. The movie has intense, thrilling scenes which need expert actress and actors to perform.
A brilliant script and amazing cinematography make IPC 376 movie a great visual impact. The team is coming up with multiple movies to be released in 2020. The film is one of the most anticipated Tamil releases of this year.
Check out below for IPC 376 Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Full Movie, Release Date.
IPC 376 Movie Cast:
- Nandita Sweta
IPC 376 Movie Crew:
- Director: Ramkumar Subbaram
- Music: Yaadhav Ramalinkgam
IPC 376 Movie Release Date:
24 December 2020
IPC 376 Tamil Movie Trailer
Watch and Download IPC 376 Movie Online
Yet to be released