The movie revolves around 3 Indian youngsters who are confused about whether to settle in America or return to India. The roles are respectively essayed by Vivek Pandit (Ali Fazal), Omi Vaidya (Lakshmi) and Amit (Amitosh Nagpal). The trio set out looking for jobs, without proper paperwork and in turn, gets listed in the watch list of the FBI.
‘For Here or To Go’ lacks the depth in the story apart from having a good backdrop which fails when a small story turns out to be a movie. The movie puts the spotlight on alarming issues including the deportation of immigrants and how a foreign place can ruin your dreams. Ali Fazal as the sweet and adorable guy, trying to make a name for himself is relatable.
All in all, the movie had the cool ingredients in hand, but it wasn’t enough when the whole picture is done. Cinematography and the backdrops of the United States have very well been explored.
Rating: 2.75/5