Chekkan is an upcoming Malayalam movie. The movie release date is August 2021. Currently, the movie is in the pre-production stage. The movie is directed by Shafi Eppikkad. It belongs to the drama genre.
Chekkan Movie Story
The plot revolves around a group of youngsters. Things take a new turn changing their lives forever. Can the boy sort all the issues and prove his point?
Chekkan movie cast has Ambily Nilamboor, Vishnu Purushan etc. The movie has leading Malayalam film stars.
Check out below for Chekkan Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Chekkan Movie Cast
- Vishnu Purushan
- Ambily Nilamboor
- Vinod Kovoor
- Thezny Khan
- Abu Salim
- Nanjiyamma
- Ali Arangadath
- Athira
- Shifana
Chekkan Movie Release Date
August 2021
Chekkan Teaser
Yet to be released