How technology is changing the entertainment industry in India: From cinema to online gamesJuly 5, 2024
AKSHAYBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Akshay Such a pious soul who shares his food, bike and literally everything. He laughs…
ANUBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Anu She is the total package of joy and surprises. Height may seem to be…
CHINJUBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Chinju The soft-hearted girl who gets tensed frequently. Love to experiment with new things. Official…
VARSHABy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Varsha She is photogenic and charming. A great skill to initiate and proceed with a…
MARIABy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Maria Innocent and bubbly girl with a lovely smile. Instagram friends are almost a family…