How technology is changing the entertainment industry in India: From cinema to online gamesJuly 5, 2024
NOORINBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Noorin She is high on confidence and style. Emotionally affected quickly, but recovers fast and…
MALUTTIBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Malutti Hardworking at home and padippi in the class. She loves maintaining friendship and making…
ANANDBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Anand The best adviser you can ever have. Expert to create excuses and escape from…
ARUNBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Arun He is smart and energetic. A travel addict who loves trips regularly. Big time…
NEETHUBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Neethu Energy nucleus of the group. She has brilliant ideas and is a food junkie.…
MEGHABy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Megha The ice-cream buff of the gang. She has positive vibes always and encourages others.…
SIYADBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Siyad Values friendship more than anything so he goes the extra mile. A funny and…
ANNABy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Anna Super funny girl, who is a non-stop talking express. She is very religious and…
KEERTHIBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Keerthi She is loving but hates lies. Values trust a lot so if you break…
GAYATRIBy AdminAugust 3, 2019 Character based Name Meaning of Gayatri Sweet girl who loves to annoy her friends. A middle bencher but ultra studious…