The grand launch of Bigg Boss 4 Tamil happened on 4 October. The show took off in great fashion from Day 1. To the surprise of everyone, there was no nomination in the first week. The Monday episode has finally become the first nomination of this season.
The 16 talented housemates of the show are performing well. From the list, 7 Bigg Boss Tamil 4 contestants are nominated for Week 1. Now it is up to the audience to save their favorite contestants from being evicted. Let us check out the list of Bigg Boss 4 Tamil nominated contestants of Week1.
Who are the nominated contestants of Week 1 in BB Tamil 4?
- Sanam Shetty
- Shivani Narayanan
- Samyuktha Karthik
- Rekha Harris
- Ramya Pandian
- Aajeedh Khalique
- Gabriella Charlton
The person with the lowest share of Bigg Boss 4 Tamil Vote will be evicted. The voting lines will be open till 16 October midnight 12. Here is the step by step method to vote online on the Hotstar app. The contestant with least votes will be evicted by Kamal Haasan during the weekend episode.