Anuragam, an upcoming Malayalam drama movie, is all set to release on 5 May 2023. The movie is directed by Shahad and produced by Sudhish N and Premachandran AG. Starring Gautham Vasudev Menon, Lena, and Gouri G Kishan in the lead roles, Anuragam is expected to be one of the top hits of 2023 Malayalam movies.
The plot and storyline of the movie have been kept under wraps, but the cast and crew of the film are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that it lives up to the audience’s expectations. Anuragam is expected to provide an entertaining experience to the viewers, and the fans are eagerly waiting for the film to be released in the theaters.
With an impressive cast, talented crew, and a promising plot, Anuragam seems to be a movie that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. So mark your calendars for 5 May 2023 and be ready to witness the drama unfold on the big screen. Stay tuned for more updates on the movie.