Aelay is an upcoming Tamil movie. The movie release date is 12 February 2021. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Halitha Shameem. It belongs to the drama genre.
Aelay Movie Story
The plot is about an amazing man who lived in the village. His deeds made them happy and proud. One day he dies and things take a new turn during his funeral. New people and new things get opened up which is unknown to others.
Aelay movie cast has Samuthirakani etc. The movie has leading Tamil film stars.
Check out below for Aelay Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Aelay Movie Cast
- Samuthirakani
- Manikandan.K
- Madhumathi
Aelay Movie Release Date
12 February 2021