Aadhaar is an upcoming Hindi movie. The movie release date is 5 February 2021. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Suman Ghosh. It belongs to the comedy-drama genre.
Aadhaar Movie Story
The plot is about the ID card which becomes the talk of the town. The youngster becomes the first holder of the card and hence a star. Later, it’s predicted the number can cause bad fortune to him. His struggles and efforts to change the Aadhaar number form the story. Can he change and save his dear one’s life?
Aadhaar movie cast has Vineet Kumar Singh, Prithvi Hatte etc. The movie has leading Hindi film stars.
Check out below for Aadhaar Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Aadhaar Movie Cast
- Prithvi Hatte as Rani
- Vineet Kumar Singh as Pharsua
- Sanjay Mishra as Shastri
- Saurabh Shukla as Parmanand Singh
- Raghubir Yadav as Ghisu
- Alka Amin as Rani’s Mother
- Ekavali Khanna as Mrs Dahiya
- Vishwanath Chatterjee as Minister
Aadhaar Movie Release Date
5 February 2021