Inspector Vikram is an upcoming Kannada movie. The movie release date is 5 February 2021. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Sahana Murthy. It belongs to the action thriller.
Inspector Vikram Movie Story
The plot is about a daring police inspector. He falls in love with her and also keeps his duty as a priority. His actions create a huge set of enemies in the city. Can he take on all the challenges and punish the culprits.
Inspector Vikram movie cast has Bhavana Menon, Prajwal Devraj etc. The movie has leading South Indian film stars.
Inspector Vikram out below for Inspector Vikram Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Inspector Vikram Movie Cast
- Prajwal Devraj
- Bhavana Menon
- Raghu Mukherjee
Inspector Vikram Movie Release Date
5 February 2021