Cheppina Evaru Nammaru is a Telugu movie. The movie release date is 1 January 2021. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Aaryan Krishna. It belongs to the crime thriller genre.
Cheppina Evaru Nammaru Movie Story
The plot is about the life of three youngsters. They decide to enjoy a happy time in Goa and shocking events happen. The trio is being accused of murdering three girls. Can they prove the truth and expose the real criminals?
Cheppina Evaru Nammaru movie cast has Supyardee Sing etc. The movie has leading Telugu movie stars.
Check out below for Cheppina Evaru Nammaru Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Cheppina Evaru Nammaru Cast
- Aaryan Krishna
- Supyardee Singh
- Vikram Chary
- Vijayendra
Cheppina Evaru Nammaru Movie Release Date
1 January 2021