Dhira is an upcoming Bengali animated movie. The film is written and directed by Arun Kumar Rapolu. The movie will release in December 2020. It will release through Amazon Prime website and app where you can watch online. This is produced under the banner of A Theorem Studios.
Dhira Movie Story
The plot revolves around a brilliant man who lived 200 years ago. He was the advisor of the kingdom and was praised for his strategies. His skills and brilliance have won many wars. The story is about the thrill based events happening around the kingdom.
Dhira movie cast includes Jeet in the lead role. The film will be releasing in 10 languages as a Pan India film.
Check out below for Dhira Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Full Movie, Release Date.
Dhira Movie Cast
- Jeet
Dhira Movie Release Date
December 2020