Gamanam is an upcoming multi-lingual movie of the drama genre. It is produced by Kria Film Corp. The movie release date is during December 2020. Currently, the movie is in the pre-production stage. The movie is written and directed by Sujana Rao. It will release in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada.
Gamanam Movie Story
The plot revolves around the life of three people. Their life gets affected in different ways. They are connected to the same chord in some way. Can their efforts bring in happiness to someone else?
Gamanam cast has Shriya Saran, Nithya Menen, Priyanka Jawalkar in the lead. The film will have the top stars of the South Indian film industry together.
Check out below for Gamanam Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, Release Date.
Gamanam Cast
- Nithya Menen
- Shriya Saran
- Priyanka Jawalkar
- Shiva Kandukuri
Gamanam Movie Release Date
December 2020