The show opens with Bigg Boss comedy show by host Lasya. Bigg Boss Telugu 4 is becoming interesting as each day passes. Team Saikumar starts their part of the show as funny skit. His team has Divi, Devi, Harika and Amma Rajasekhar. They did a lovely performance together and was enjoyable.
The second team captain is Avinash Kalla aka Jabardasth Avinash. The team members are Kalyani, Akhil, Monal, Sujatha. Eventually, all of them did a really impressive performance in a short time. After the opinion of the housemates and captain Lasya, Team of Avinash was made the winners.
Amma Rajasekhar was upset as the other team was declared winners. He kept on defending his team but none bothered to support him. Everyone danced to the tune the next morning as usual. Devi and Lasya were seen talking about the previous night’s incident. Devi Nagavalli was not seen agreeing to the points and even walked off.
Bigg Boss against Noel, Kalyani, Harika, Monal, Abijeet, Akhil for two rules being broken. First was for not keeping mikes proper and also talking in another language than Telugu. Next was for not speaking in Telugu had to write imposition on the writing space.
The best entertaining team in Luxury Budget task can choose the captain. From among the four members, Noel was selected as the captain. Karate Kalyani who was interested to be the captain was seen against the decision. She started arguing with Lasya and eventually settled after talks with Noel.
As Captain Noel had to splits the house duties. He is seen hearing the issues of the housemates and assured to so something. Later in the night, Avinash mimicking Monal and Akhil and everyone cracked up in laughter. Monal was seen walking away and later Avinash reached out to her
Monal Gajjar said to Avinash to keep control of his fun. She felt hurt a lot and is angry about it. Avinash was seen asking her to forgive for his act. She is seen getting upset yet again and was always in tears from Day 1.