The grand season four of Bigg Boss Telugu has started just a few days ago. The YouTube sensation Gangavva was placed in the nomination list. She is one among the total seven nominated contestants for the week.
Bigg Boss Telugu 4 vote results look like Gangavva has huge support from the fans. Various unofficial sources provide voting for public opinion throughout the season. The BB team doesn’t declare the votes and will be announced by the host only. Currently, it is the only way to know the mind of the audience.
As per the results, Gangavva is having close to 43 per cent of the total vote share. She is followed by Abijeet, Akhil Sarthak, Mehaboob and Sujatha etc in the Bigg Boss 4 Telugu Votes.
With 2 more episodes, until the voting will stop, Gangavva seems to be saved. Even if the other members get it more vote she will stay ahead of the race. Season 4 of Bigg Boss Telugu will be 15 weeks long. A single episode can bring in a huge twist in the whole feelings.
Let’s wait and watch the upcoming episodes. Comment your favorite contestants of BB Telugu 4.