Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam is an upcoming Malayalam movie of drama genre. It is directed and written by Balu Narayanan. The movie is expected to release by the end of 2021. It is currently in the pre-production stage. It will release through any OTT where you can watch online.
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie Story
The plot revolves around the life of a troubled family man. Things take a different turn when personal issues take an effect on his life. The way he deals with the challenges forms the crux of the story.
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam cast has Vinu Mohan etc in the lead. The major stars have given their best performances and look brilliant on screen. The makers have had announced that the movie will be a treat to watch.
Major stars across India are part of Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Malayalam movie. The cast was selected through stringent audition proceedings and the screen test. The supporting actors were selected based on the track record of past acting projects.
The movie has emotional and comedy scenes which need expert actress and actors to perform. A brilliant script and amazing cinematography make Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam movie a great visual impact.
Check out below for Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie (2021): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Full Movie, Release Date.
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie Cast:
- Vinu Mohan
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie Crew:
- Director: Balu Narayanan
- Producer: Joshy Muringoor
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie Release Date:
Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Teaser:
Yet to be released
Watch Sharathettante Kanakkupusthakam Movie Online
Yet to be released