Cocktail is an upcoming Indian comedy-drama movie. The Tamil language movie is directed by Ra Vijaya Murugan. The movie will release on 10 July 2020. It will release through Zee5 where you can watch online and HD download. The movie belongs to the drama genre.
Cocktail Movie Story
The plot revolves around a local guy, who dreams to be a gangster. A golden idol of the goddess is stolen and it turns the life of many people upside down. Can the face the challenges and restore the precious idol?
Cocktail movie cast includes Anjali, Yogi Babu etc in the lead. The major stars have given their best performances and look brilliant on screen. The makers have had announced that the movie will be a treat to watch.
Major stars across India are part of Cocktail Tamil movie. The cast was selected through stringent audition proceedings and the screen test. The other actors were selected based on the track record of past acting projects. The movie has intense, thrilling scenes which need expert actress and actors to perform.
A brilliant script and amazing cinematography make Cocktail movie a great visual impact. The team is coming up with multiple movies to be released in 2020. The film is one of the most anticipated Tamil releases of this year.
Check out below for Cocktail Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Full Movie, Release Date
Cocktail Tamil Movie Cast:
- Yogi Babu
- Anjali
- Mime Gopi
- Sayaji Shinde
- Varalaxmi Sarathkumar
Cocktail Movie Crew:
- Director: Ra Vijaya Murugan
- Music: Sai Bhaskar
- Dop: R.J Raveen
- Editor: SN Fazil
Cocktail Movie Release Date:
10 July 2020
Cocktail Tamil Movie Trailer: