My Santa is an upcoming Malayalam comedy thriller. The movie has Raamaleela actor Dileep in the lead along with Anushree and Sunny Wayne. My Santa revolves around a Santa clause and a small kid and their fun-filled adventure.
Check out below for My Santa Malayalam Movie (2019): Trailer, Teaser, Posters, HD Pictures, Location Stills, Release date
My Santa Cast
- Dileep
- Anushree
- Sunny Wayne
My Santa Crew
Directed by | Sugeeth |
Editor | V. Saajan |
Music On | Goodwill Entertainments |
Written by | Jemin Cyriac |
Music | Vidyasagar |
DOP | Faizal Ali |
My Santa Release Date: December 19, 2019
My Santa movie Posters and Stills
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”570″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]My Santa Trailer & Teaser:
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