The excitement among Tamil movie fans has risen as the makers of the upcoming movie Maamannan have revealed its first look poster. The poster features the talented and versatile actors Vadivelu, Keerthy Suresh, Udhayanidhi Stalin, and Fahadh Faasil in the lead roles.
Directed by the renowned filmmaker Mari Selvaraj, Maamannan is expected to be an exciting movie that will captivate the audience with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The first look poster has raised expectations among the fans, who are eagerly waiting to see more glimpses of the movie.
The movie Maamannan is set to release on 16 June 2023, and the fans cannot wait to see the talented actors come together to create magic on the silver screen. The movie is expected to be a milestone in Tamil cinema, and the first look poster has raised the anticipation for the release.