TeniDa and Company, a Bengali comedy horror drama movie directed by Sayantan Ghosal, has finally announced its release date. The movie is set to hit theatres on 19 May 2023, and fans are eagerly waiting for its release.
Starring Kanchan Mullick, Gaurav Chakrabarty, Soumendra Bhattacharya, and other talented actors in lead roles, TeniDa and Company promises to deliver an entertaining experience to the viewers. The movie is produced by Surinder Films Private Limited, a renowned production house in the Bengali film industry.
Directed by Sayantan Ghosal, who has previously directed successful movies like Satyanweshi Byomkesh, TeniDa and Company is expected to be one of the top hits of Bengali movies in 2023. The movie belongs to the comedy horror drama genre, which is a unique and exciting combination rarely explored in Bengali cinema.
So mark your calendars for 19 May 2023 and get ready to witness the hilarious and spine-chilling adventures of TeniDa and Company on the big screen. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new release.