As nature needs replenishment, big celebrities are taking a step to the green world. Recently, Mahesh Babu who celebrated his birthday had challenged the Master actor to plant trees. Vijay is one such star, who keeps away his personal life from social media.
He shared a set of photos planting trees and motivating others to do it themselves. Vijay captioned it as “This is for you @urstrulyMaheshgaru. Here’s to a Greener India and Good health. Thank you #StaySafe”
Currently, Vijay has completed the shoot with Kaithi director Lokesh Kanagaraj. Master movie is almost in the final stages of post-production. Earlier makers have announced that the movie will wait for theatrical release and won’t release on OTT platforms.
As per reports, the Master release date will be close to 15 November 2020. Producers and director haven’t confirmed on the release date.