New drama series as ‘Meet‘ is all set to captivate audiences. This Hindi serial, belonging to the drama genre, will be telecasted on ZEE TV, bringing you gripping storylines every Monday to Friday at 7 PM.
Save the date for the release of ‘Meet’ on June 19, 2023. The series features a talented cast, including Syed Raza and Ashi Singh, who are ready to deliver captivating performances and bring their characters to life on screen.
With its compelling storyline and exceptional actors, ‘Meet’ is expected to become one of the highest-rated Hindi television serials. The anticipation and excitement among viewers are at an all-time high as they eagerly await the start of this much-anticipated series.
Make sure to tune in to ZEE TV and don’t miss the premiere of ‘Meet‘ on June 19, 2023. Get ready for a captivating journey filled with drama and emotions that will keep you hooked from the very first episode!