Plan Panni Pannanum is a Tamil movie. The movie release date is 24 September 2021. The movie is directed by Badri Venkatesh. It belongs to the comedy-drama genre.

The plot is about three friends and their rush to earn money. They have to do a few things which became very serious. A girl entered into their lives and changes everything. Can they stay safe and survive the dangers?
Plan Panni Pannanum movie cast has Remya Nambeesan, Rio Raj etc. The movie has well known Tamil film actors.
Check out below for Plan Panni Pannanum Movie (2021) Cast, Release Date, Crew, Poster.
Rio Raj Ramya Nambeesan
- Rio Raj
- Ramya Nambeesan
- M. S. Bhaskar
- Santhana Bharathi
- Viji Chandrasekhar
- Poornima Ravi
- Ravi Venkatraman
- Robo Shankar
- Bala Saravanan
- Tiger Garden Thangadurai
- Aadukalam Naren
- Badri Venkatesh
Release Date
24 September 2021