Mrigaya is an upcoming Bengali movie of the thriller genre. It is directed by Souvik Bhattacharjee. The movie is expected to release during 2021. Currently, the movie is in the pre-production stage.
Mrigaya Movie Story
The plot revolves around the group of people out on a trip. In a shocking turn of events, few of them go missing. It becomes tough to trace them, but there are some strange secrets.
Mrigaya cast has Darshana Banik in the lead. The leading stars from the Bengali films join the star cast of the movie.
Check out below for Mrigaya Movie (2021): Cast, Release date, Full HD movie, Release Date.
Mrigaya Cast
- Darshana Banik
- Ankush
Mrigaya Movie Release Date
Mrigaya Teaser
Yet to be released