The makers of Mark Antony, an upcoming Tamil movie, have released the official teaser of the film. Starring Vishal, S J Suryah, and Suneel in the lead roles, this movie is expected to provide a thrilling experience to the viewers. Directed by Adhik Ravichandran, the film is set to hit the theatres on 15 September 2023.
The teaser of Mark Antony looks promising and has already created a buzz among the fans. It showcases the lead actors in a different avatar, leaving the audience excited for the movie.
To get a glimpse of the action-packed movie, check out the teaser below:
Stay tuned to our website for the latest updates on Mark Antony. With Vishal, S J Suryah, and Suneel in the lead and Adhik Ravichandran directing the film, this Tamil movie promises to be a must-watch for the audience.