Love is an upcoming Malayalam romantic thriller movie. It is directed by Khalid Rahman and is produced by Ashiq Usman. It will release by 19 February 2021 and currently in the post-production stage. It will release through any OTT where you can watch online. The movie belongs to the thriller genre.
The plot revolves around the life of two happy individuals. They cross paths at a critical situation and their life gets in danger. They have to fight back to keep themselves alive. The inner conflict to reveal the shocking truth also haunts them. Can they survive from the enemies?
Love movie cast has Shine Tom Chacko, Rajisha Vijayan etc in the lead.
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- Shine Tom Chacko as Anoop
- Rajisha Vijayan as Deepthi
- Johny Antony
- Veena Nandakumar
- Sudhy Koppa
- Director: Khalid Rahman
- Writer: Khalid Rahman
- Producer: Ashiq Usman
Love Movie Release Date
19 February 2021