The makers of the Bengali movie Local have recently released the first look poster of the film, which has created a buzz among the audience. Local is an upcoming movie, directed by Saif Chandan, and is expected to release on 16th June 2023.
The first look poster of Local features an intriguing visual, which hints at the mood and tone of the movie. The poster has generated a lot of curiosity among the fans, who are eagerly waiting for more updates on the movie.
Details regarding the cast of Local are yet to be revealed, but the makers have promised to update the audience soon. The anticipation is high among the fans, who are eagerly waiting for more information about the actors and characters in the movie.
Directed by Saif Chandan, Local promises to be a gripping and intense movie that will keep the audience engaged. The director is known for his expertise in crafting stories that are both emotional and thrilling, and this movie is expected to be no exception.
Stay tuned for more updates on Local, including the trailer, soundtrack, and other details related to the movie. Follow us for the latest news and updates on this highly anticipated Bengali movie.