Bollywood was shaken when #Metoo campaign was launched in 2018. Major stars were accused of abusing actresses and using them. Sajid Khan was one of the names which surfaced more and more that time. Yet again, a model Dimple Paul aka Paula has accused the director Sajid.
Dimple Paul shared an Instagram post detailing about the incident. She took back the memory lane when she was just 17 years. Paula was asked by Sajid to do offensive things to satisfy him to get a role in Housefull. Her post was captioned “Before democracy dies and there is no freedom of speech anymore I thought I should speak !”
She also mentioned that she didn’t declare it early as she was making her career. During the age of 16, she started working and wanted to earn money to support the family. Paula said that she couldn’t share it with the family, but now gathered the courage.
Earlier due to #Meetoo allegations, Sajid Khan was moved from directing Housefull 4. Paula becomes the fourth woman to publicly speak of bad incidents that happened to her. It is yet again opening the floodgates to the discussion of Bollywood dark secrets.